Architekturbüro Martin Stecher
Schönthaler shows what building ecology can do
Concrete paving blocks, concrete blocks, concrete piles for orchards, concrete iron processing, custom and custom-made prefabricated concrete parts, New Jersey concrete guide walls, cellar shafts, hemp acoustic panels, formwork articles, prefabricated ceilings. These are just a few of the many building materials that the local construction industry sources from Schönthaler.
Less well known, at least in non-specialist circles, is the ecological side that Schönthaler is continuously developing and consistently expanding. The natural material hemp fascinated business owner Martin Schönthaler years ago: “Processing it into hemp bricks for the building industry was an important milestone for the development of the company and our production site in Eyrs. The ecological footprint in building construction can be significantly improved with co2 neutral hemp.”
Fotos: © René Riller