M7 Architecture
+ Design
Architetto Marco Sette
Via Negrelli 8
39100 Bolzano-Italy
ph. +39 0471 1813654
m. +39 339 5936660
Casa Salute
DE – New seat “CASA SALUTE” in Margreid
Winner of CasaClima Awards 2014
The challenge of the construction task consisted in the realization of a building with near-natural materials, which on the one hand, based on the solid wood wall “ONLY WOOD” uses neither dowels nor glues and at the same time also functions as a plus energy building based on high energy efficiency (Klimahaus Gold Nature and Passivhaus), the whole with appealing and fresh architecture.
Energy efficient buildings often show great similarities in design and appearance, with high attention to energy efficiency and less to the design aspects.
Photos © M7 Architecture+Design